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Iulia Bajenaru
Jun 3, 2020
Wedding Makeup Do’s and Don'ts
Hello ladies, This year, so far, had been tough on everything wedding related, from the actual wedding ceremony to the venues, florist...

Iulia Bajenaru
Mar 17, 2020
Let's Talk
Hello ladies, How are you? Hope all of you are safe, healthy and doing everything you can, to stay safe and boost your immune system...

Iulia Bajenaru
May 9, 2019
Let's talk - Why hire a professional makeup artist?
Hello ladies, The other day I was asked, what sets a part a professional makeup from your day to day makeup? It took me a minute to...

Iulia Bajenaru
Jul 3, 2018
Let's Talk - Sunscreen
Hello ladies, Summer is in full bloom and we all like short shorts and summer dresses feel when we go to the beach, park, café or just...

Iulia Bajenaru
May 25, 2018
Let's Talk - Brushes, how and why to clean them
Hello ladies, Today I want to talk to you about makeup brushes, especially why and how to clean them. If you are just a bit passionate...

Iulia Bajenaru
Apr 27, 2018
Lets talk - Skincare
Hello ladies, Now that the winter is finally over in Denmark and spring is here, the temperatures are changing so should our skin care...
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