Iulia Bajenaru

Mar 17, 2020

Let's Talk

Hello ladies,

How are you? Hope all of you are safe, healthy and doing everything you can, to stay safe and boost your immune system while staying inside.

I thought this is a good time to have a quick conversation about what is going on in the world right now, and how this affects Hello Gorgeous Makeup Studio, and the services we offer you.

1. General information

None of us, here at Hello Gorgeous Makeup Studio, have experienced infected colleagues or customers, and are taking every precaution set out by the World Health Organisation, to prevent this from happening.

We are working hard, from home, to deliver you the same quality content you are used to, while keeping a good positive attitude. 😊

2. Services and appointments

Needless to say, that due to the increasing importance to stay at home, to avoid spreading the virus, all of our trials and bookings have been postponed until they can be safely rescheduled.

Our on-line activity will carry on, both on the Instagram page hellogorgeous.makeup studio and here on the website.

3. What to expect

We are not sure, on account of the fast pacing changes, that are taking place worldwide, but we are doing everything we can to keep you updated with the latest information.

What we are sure of, is that the ongoing promotion we are running at the moment on the website, was extended, so make sure you check out the blog post here for updates.

In the near future, we are planning on offering you some live tutorials or webinars, and are open to your suggestions on the topics you would love to see.

That is why we encourage you to leave us a comment below. 💕

Wishing you all the best, keep safe, stay positive and keep an eye on the blog for the up-to-date information. 💗

Virtual hugs, Julia